So it's getting close to the end of the semester, only 4 weeks left, and then it's Spring Show and Graduation. Time has flown by. So I thought I should post something.
I had some Academy of Art University Admissions Advisors in today because they had said they wanted to learn everything they could about animation. All of our advisors are enthusiastic types so I thought let's just give them some clay and see what they can do. (Okay, I coached them a little, but only a little.)
They put in an hour and a half and look what they did! Wow, for two people who had never animated before: not bad at all. In fact, they did a great job on their first try! All of my students should watch out: these advisors could be you future stiff competition. Here is their work:
I am going to get some volunteers to add some sound and a few titles then this will be great fun. I'll bet they want to come back and try it again in a few weeks. You know how it goes; you look at it a while and then you think, "oh, I could have put a different filter on the light, and that ease-out could have been a bit more deliberate." Clay animation: it's contagious.